Graduate Program in Audiology

The Department of Communication Disorders is pleased to be the home of the Doctor of Audiology (AuD) Program at Cal State LA.

The purpose of this clinical doctoral program in Audiology is to prepare audiologists to be highly skilled, independent practitioners and leaders in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of patients with hearing loss and balance disorders.

This AuD degree program is designed to prepare students with a strong background in the scientific basis of audiology, evidence-based practice, and clinical competencies. The educational objectives of this program are to provide the knowledge base required to better prepare audiologists to competently meet the demands of increasingly complex diagnostic questions, and to learn to use more complex equipment in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of hearing loss and balance disorder patients of all ages.

Students who complete this four-year AuD curriculum will be well prepared to pass the national examination in Audiology, as well as to fulfill the didactic and clinical clock hour requirements for licensure and national certification. The doctoral degree in Audiology at Cal State LA requires the completion of a minimum of 111-semester units of graduate coursework and clinical practicum over 11 terms.  Click here for a complete list of required coursework.

The Doctor of Audiology (AuD) program at Cal State LA is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education (ACAE), 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 220, Reston, VA 20191  (703) 226-1056 for the period of June 7, 2022, to June 30, 2032. 

Doctor of Audiology (Aud) Program

On-Time Program Completion Rates*


# Completed Within

Expected Time Frame

% Completed Within

Expected Time Frame

Cohort #1 Graduated in 2022



 *The first cohort of AuD students graduated in the Summer of 2022.


Praxis Examination Pass Rates of Test-Takers


# Students Taking the Exam

First-Time Pass Rate

Overall Pass Rate



9 (100%)




1 (100%)



Employment Rates of Graduates*


Employment Rate in Profession


# of Graduates

% of Graduates


Not yet available

Not yet available

 *The first cohort of AuD students is scheduled to graduate in the Summer of 2022.


Employment of Students into Required Professional Experience Positions


Employment Rate in Profession


# of Students

% of Students







California State University programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the California State University and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The California State University has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a California State University program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).


Submission of any complaints relating directly to lack of compliance with the Accreditation Standards and requirements of accreditation must be made in writing and signed by the complainant. The complainant's contact information including address and telephone number is to be included with the complaint. The submitted complaint must include specific details and documentation to support the complaint and should be sent to the Executive Director, Accreditation Commission for Audiology Education, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Suite 220, Reston, VA 20191. The telephone number is 703-226-1056 and the email is [email protected].  

Upon receipt of the complaint, the Executive Director of ACAE will forward a copy to the department chair within 10 business days, for response and appropriate documentation. If the complainant's identification is to be withheld, the complaint will be forwarded in a de-identified format. The department chair will then have 30 business days to respond to the complaint, including providing documentation to support the response. 

The Department of Communication Disorders will only admit full-time students to the AuD program. Students who have completed an undergraduate degree in Communicative Disorders or the equivalent (any undergraduate bachelor’s degree plus prerequisite courses – see below) prior to the first semester of the program are eligible for admission to the AuD Program.

Requirements for admission to the Audiology Doctoral program include the following:

  • Completion of a baccalaureate degree in audiology or communication sciences and disorders. If the baccalaureate degree is not in the area of audiology or communication sciences and disorders, applicants should have completed six courses in the following content areas prior to the first semester of the program (or their equivalents, as determined by the AuD Program Director)
    o COMD 4000 (Hearing Science)
    o COMD 4020 (Audiology and Audiometry)
    o COMD 4200 (Rehabilitative Audiology)
    o COMD 4630 (Neuroscience of Communication)
    o a course in Statistics
    and at least one course from among the following:
    o COMD 4220 (Advanced Audiology)
    o COMD 4560 (Language Development)
    o COMD 4610 (Descriptive Phonetics)
    o COMD 4620 (Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech Mechanism)
  • A minimum 3.0-grade point average (GPA) in undergraduate coursework
  • A minimum 3.0 GPA in undergraduate or prerequisite audiology and communication sciences coursework
  • Completion of an on-campus interview, if selected for an interview

Achievement of minimum criteria does not guarantee admission to the AuD program. Admission to the program is a competitive process whereby a committee composed of faculty evaluates the credentials of all applicants.

Prospective students are admitted, placed on a waiting list, or denied admission based on an evaluation of their grade point average in audiology and communications sciences and disorders coursework, grade point average in undergraduate coursework, GRE scores (waived for the Fall 2024 admission cycle), letters of recommendation, letter of intent, and an on-campus interview if selected for an interview.

Admission to the Doctor of Audiology Program takes place once a year (Fall admission only). Students wishing to apply to the AuD Program must complete two separate applications. You must complete both applications concurrently.

1) University Application through Cal State Apply

An online application to the University must be submitted by the stated deadline via Cal State Apply (see Office of Admissions and Recruitment). All students must submit the university application via Cal State Apply, including current Cal State LA undergraduate and Certificate students. For questions regarding the university application, please contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment at (323) 343-3901.


In your profile, be sure to select “Graduate” as your Degree Goal.

  • Please do not submit your letter of intent through Cal State Apply. You will submit this document with your department application using CSDCAS. For letter of intent (aka “Statement of Purpose”) on Cal State Apply, type “N/A” in the textbox so that the system marks this item as complete. Please note, if you are applying to other CSUs, be aware that they may have different requirements for the Statement of Purpose. GRE scores: go to the Academic History section, go to “Standardized Tests”, and click on “I Am Not Adding Any Standardized Tests”. NOTE: International students may have to submit other test scores. Please contact Admissions for more details.
  • Be sure to submit official transcripts to the University by the indicated deadline. See FAQs for more information.

Cal State Apply Fall 2024 Deadlines
Application opens: October 1, 2023
Application deadline: January 15, 2024

2) Department Application through CSDCAS

A separate online application must be submitted via CSDCAS (Communication Sciences and Disorders Centralized Application Service). CSDCAS is administered by an independent third-party provider and is not associated with Cal State LA. It is a fee-based service that enables applicants to apply to multiple institutions.

The CSDCAS application is available at and requires:

  • A letter of professional goals and intent
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Official transcripts
  • GRE scores (use Designated Institution [DI] Code 1747) Waived for the Fall 2024 admission cycle

CSDCAS Fall 2024 Deadlines
Application opens: October 1, 2023
Application deadline: January 15, 2024

Do you hold any information sessions or open houses?

If you are interested in attending an open house, please email [email protected] (subject line: AuD Open House) and we will contact you if one is scheduled.

Are classes offered online or in a more traditional, face-to-face setting?

While we do offer some classes online, the majority of the AuD classes are offered face-to-face.

How long does the program take to complete?

The program takes 4 years to complete.

What is the cost of this program?

The total tuition (tuition only) for this program is approximately $87, 000.

I am having issues using the Cal State Apply website, who can I contact?

If you have any technical problems with Cal State Apply, please visit Cal State Apply Applicant Help Center

Is there a prompt and/ or page limit for the letter of intent?

There is no prompt or page limit. Students are welcomed to choose the most relevant information to include and while there is no page limit, we recommend that the letter be no longer than three pages.

Must I enter all of the courses I have taken into CSDCAS and Cal State Apply?

You must enter all of your coursework into CSDCAS but not into Cal State Apply. Only enter coursework into Cal State Apply if you are currently enrolled in classes or planning to take classes before you begin this program.

Do I have to submit transcripts to both CSDCAS and Cal State Apply?


Do I send Cal State Apply transcripts to Admissions?

After submitting your Cal State Apply application online, Admissions will contact you by email regarding your transcripts. Please be on the lookout for that email and follow their instructions.

I am a Cal State LA student; must I send Cal State LA transcripts as well?

For CSDCAS, yes, you must submit Cal State LA transcripts. Please follow the instructions on CSDCAS. For Cal State Apply, you will not be asked to submit Cal State LA transcripts.


  • How is GPA calculated? We calculate three different types of GPAs by separating your courses into three different categories: Pre-requisite GPA, Courses in Communication Disorders GPA, and Undergraduate GPA.

The AuD Program and the Hearing & Balance Center at Alhambra are located in our off-campus facility at The Alhambra, 1000 S. Fremont Avenue, Alhambra. We are located on the Lower Level of Building B-1 in Suite B-10200. Our facility is accessible via the main elevator located in the lobby of Building A7.

AuD Program and Hearing & Balance Center at Alhambra Personnel

Miwako Hisagi, Ph.D., Au.D., CCC-A, Board Certified in Audiology
Director, Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) Program
Phone: (626) 382-0262
Email: [email protected]

Peter Ivory, Ph.D. CCC-A
Graduate Advisor, Doctor of Audiology (AuD) Program
Director of Clinic Operations, Hearing & Balance Center at Alhambra
Phone: (626) 382-0254
Email: [email protected]

Margaret Winter, M.S., CCC-A Board Certified in Audiology
Director of Clinical Education, AuD Program
Phone: (626) 382-0254
Email: [email protected]

Katherine Chim
Administrative & Fiscal Analyst
Phone: (626) 382-0255
Fax: (626) 382-0256
Email: [email protected]